Sunrise House

Sunrise House

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Master Bedroom

OK - so when we were first walking the house and making our big flip plans the Husband and I had two very different ideas about what to do with a master bedroom. There is a large room upstairs that the Husband wanted to make into the master, which would involve adding an additional bathroom into the room...NIGHTMARE!! I personally think I had the better idea of making one of the rooms in the basement into a master. We were already taking out a kitchen in the basement...which has it made sense to make that into a master bedroom with a bathroom. I was clearly overruled...or so I thought. With all the walls in the basement out and the kitchen gone, it was clear to see that the master bedroom would be huge, but would have a tiny window. I'm okay with a tiny's the deal, how much time do you really spend in your bedroom? actual awake hours hanging out? It would definitely make sleeping in super easy, which is always a win in my book.

So, one whole wall in the basement has a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and laundry room on it (in that order). One night...after my plan had finally been agreed upon as the superior idea...I had a genius epiphany (I only have a few of these a year so I ran with it). Why put another bathroom in that kitchen area? Why not move the wall in the current bathroom to make it a little bigger and move the bathroom door to inside the master bedroom...boom, en suite.

But Brooke, now the basement doesn't have its own bathroom! There is another bedroom and a living room down there, that seems dumb, will people have to go upstairs to use the bathroom or god-forbid walk through the master bedroom to use the bathroom?! Well, I thought of that, thanks! The laundry room is enormous, already has a sink and can easily have a toilet added to the wall (the toilet in the current basement bathroom was plumbed through the wall, not the floor), which is already open and already has exposed plumbing. WIN - WIN!! So the laundry room will now be the downstairs half bathroom that happens to have a washer/dryer in it. I hope my explanation makes sense. I'm attaching some photos, although this is all still a concept more than a reality, but it is THE plan.

I think we're having fun now! It is definitely less stressful now that things are happening!

My advice:
1) Play with lots of ideas...check with your realtor about trends and ask their advice...think way outside the box.

2) Tape the floor where walls are going. That way you get a sense of how big (or small) a room will actually be when you stand inside the taped area. 


  1. Thanks, Christina! This is kind of fun...not just flipping a house, but blogging about it.
